This week, Jeremy Morrison returns with a passionate new review of “Justice League Dark.” The full-length animated film, directed by Jay Oliva and featuring an all-star cast voicing DC’s biggest heroes, arrives from Warner Bros. Home Entertainment on February 7, 2017. No need to bury the lead here, folks. Jay Oliva has added a strong animated feature to DC […]
Tag: batman
Game Review: ‘Batman: Arkham City’ Swings Into Action, Packs A Punch!
Batman: Arkham City is the sequel to 2009‘s outstanding Batman: Arkham Asylum. This time around, the stakes are higher, as Arkham City has been one of the most hyped games of the year. Does it deliver? Yes and no. Arkham City is a great game, but like the three sequels to the 1989 Batman ?lm, […]