Check out the trailer for ‘Submission’ starring Starring Stanley Tucci, Kyra Sedgwick and Addison Timlin. The film, directed by Richard Levine (“Nip/Tuck” and “Masters of Sex”), arrives in theaters on March 2, 2018 in NYC and March 9, 2018 in LA and Additional Markets. Synopsis: Ted Swenson (Stanley Tucci) is a once-acclaimed author who teaches […]
Tag: films
Director Adam Green Talks ‘Frozen’, ‘Hatchet 2’ and Much More!
Director Adam Green swings by to discuss his past, his experiences while on the set of ‘Hatchet’, what it was like to produce Paul Solet’s critically acclaimed ‘Grace’, the state of modern horror and his contributions to the genre with his upcoming films ‘Frozen’ and ‘Hatchet 2’.