The ten-episode second season of the Max Original adult animated series VELMA from Warner Bros. Animation is set to debut on THURSDAY, APRIL 25. Synopsis: When an even spookier mystery grips Crystal Cove, Velma (Mindy Kaling) must find a way to balance her detective work with the demands of her newfound popularity before it’s too […]
Tag: Glenn Howerton
Glenn Howerton, Rob McElhenney, and Charlie Day Are Bringing FOUR WALLS WHISKEY To The Masses!
Glenn Howerton Rob McElhenney and Charlie Day are bringing their FOUR WALLS WHISKEY to the masses. Their creation is headed for bars everywhere and is now available to order online at
Glenn Howerton, Rob McElhenney and Charlie Day Announce Four Walls Whiskey
In celebration of their decades-long friendship built within a bar, Glenn Howerton, Rob McElhenney and Charlie Day are launching a whiskey brand that pays tribute to the four walls the gang calls home with Four Walls whiskey! The bar as we know it today is an offspring of the Irish Pub and the American Saloon. […]
Rowdy Roddy Piper Talks “It’s Always Sunny,” MMA, WWE And Much More!
Legendary wrestler Rowdy Roddy Piper swings by to talk about his upcoming appearance on FX’s hit series ‘It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia’. The action doesn’t stop there as we discuss his son’s path in MMA, the possibilities of a final match in the WWE and the new projects that he has in the works!
Glenn Howerton Talks “It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia” And More!
We catch up with Glenn Howerton of “It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia” fame to discuss the show’s creation, the highly anticipated new season, the process of bringing “The Nightman Cometh” episode to the stage and all of his upcoming projects.