Over the past two decades, The Venture Bros. has taken audiences on a non-stop thrill ride of action and adventure. The original series was the brainchild of Christopher McCulloch, known by his pseudonym “Jackson Publick” and Doc Hammer. Capturing the hearts and minds of the Adult Swim crowd from 2003 to 2018, the show is a satirical parody […]
Tag: The Venture Bros.
DVD Review: ‘The Venture Bros.: The Complete Series’ — The Most Adventure You Can Have Without Leaving The House!
For what seems like an eternity, fans of The Venture Bros. finally have reason to celebrate once more! On June 13th, Warner Bros. released ‘The Venture Bros.: The Complete Series‘ into the wild! This highly-sought after release marks the first time all of the episodes of Adult Swim’s award-winning original adult animated series have been […]
‘The Venture Bros.: Radiant is the Blood of the Baboon Heart’ Digital and Blu-ray Release Set For July!
Get ready as The Venture Bros. are back in an all-new original movie picking up right after the events from the shocking season 7 finale! Based off one of Adult Swim‘s longest-running, award-winning original adult animated series, The Venture Bros.: Radiant is the Blood of the Baboon Heart will be available to purchase Digitally on […]