In celebration of the 33rd anniversary of ‘Transformers: The Movie,’ Cybertronic Spree has set out on an ambitious quest! They have just launched a Kickstarter campaign to help make the dream of their first album a reality. When fully funded, the campaign will allow these “rockstars in disguise” to create a polished studio album of all 10 songs from the original ‘Transformers: The Movie’ soundtrack. Fittingly, the album will be titled “Transformers 1986” and will be the ultimate cover album by forged by robots for the humans who love them.
Featuring an array of amazing perks and stretch goals, the band’s campaign is already surging toward a bright future! You can get the full details on the Cybertronic Spree’s Kickstarter Campaign page at this location and enjoy a video transmission from the band below. While you’re at it, check out their glorious cover of the Led Zeppelin classic, “Immigrant Song,” and their original tune, “Cybertronic Warrior.” Trust me, they don’t disappoint!
Who are the Cybertronic Spree? The band features an array of awesomely talented players! Hotrod sings and plays a mean bass. Arcee is our instrument of destruction on keys and vocals. Quintesson is on triple duty, providing backing vocals, keys and wailing guitar. Devourer of worlds, Unicron, just destroys on an 8-string guitar, while Rumble and Shockwave keep it heavy on the drums with both thunder and lightning. Our resident hype-bots, Soundwave and Bumblebee play keys, dance, and keep the party going strong.
Visit the band’s official website at for their upcoming tour dates! Connect with them on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.

Jason Price founded the mighty Icon Vs. Icon more than a decade ago. Along the way, he’s assembled an amazing group of like-minded individuals to spread the word on some of the most unique people and projects on the pop culture landscape.